Measure your impact with Ofload’s industry-first Carbon Analytics Platform

Aerial view of a truck driving on forest road.
Cut Carbon Emissions with Ofload's Advanced Carbon Analytics Platform

Benefits of the platform


on-demand dashboard that can be viewed by all stakeholders


real-time insights into carbon emissions for informed decision-making


emissions reduction targets with a comprehensive understanding of your output


targeted steps to reduce emissions, maximising sustainability efforts

Don’t take it from us; hear what our customers have to say:

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Metcash Primary Freight Transport is excited to collaborate with Ofload on a journey toward net zero. We've been thoroughly impressed by the remarkable capabilities of their Carbon Analytics Platform and firmly believe it ranks among the best in class for emissions reporting within the industry.

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Noumi is pleased to be a part of the industry-wide push for a reduced emissions freight ecosystem in Australia. Ofload’s Carbon Analytics Platform is obviously a key enabler to measure where we are now and how close we are towards our goal.

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Kimberly-Clark Australia has been using this tool during the pilot phase and we have been really impressed with its capability and potential. We can now measure road freight emissions we weren't able to previously... we believe it will be a great benefit to the industry in measuring and ultimately reducing Scope 3 emissions generated by road freight.

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Still got questions?

How does this work?
Ofload sources emissions calculations that are accredited by GLEC (Global Logistics Emission Council). GLEC is the global method for calculation and reporting of logistics emissions. It is the only globally recognized methodology for harmonised calculation and reporting of the logistics GHG footprint across the multi-modal supply chain.
Who has access to this tool?
All Ofload shippers can access this tool upon request. Please reach out to your account manager, or if you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so here.
What kind of emissions does this tool measure?
The Carbon Analytics Platform measures Scope 3 Emissions on any and all of your Ofload Shipments. You can request a demo of this tool here

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