Hydrogen Vehicles
By 2027, we’re aiming to help roll out hydrogen trucks and refuelling stations along Australia’s major freight routes.

Hydrogen trucks are a promising option, especially for long-distance freight—key to keeping Australia’s supply chains moving. To make this shift easier, we’ve partnered with Countrywide and Hiringa to bring together demand and support a network of zero-emission carriers.
Our Parternship with Hiringa

- Supply hydrogen fuel through a refuelling network
- Liaise with government to facilitate and coordinate grant applications
- Fund the expansion of the refuelling

- Connect environmentally conscious shippers with carbon conscious carriers, aggregating demand for zero emissions transport

- Purchase 50 hydrogen vehicles
- Provide full service and support for the fuel cell EV (FCEV) truck operating in the network
- Provide driver training for the operation of the FCEV trucks and the refuelling